Mr. Egotistical
Your a one man circus
The ring master and the animals
You do your dance on the high wire
With no net below
You magically breath fire
And no one knows
Behind that careless facade
You're nothing more than a palm reader
Using smoke and mirrors to hide the inner you
Tell me my story young ingenue
And I'll show you a magic trick, too
Look deep into my eyes
As they turn from green to blue.
Smoldering, simmering, but shinning all for you
Let your defenses down
Let the audience enjoy the clowns
Give me that character of a lifetime
Give me that glimpse of sunshine
On your mind.
Show me the role you dare not play
The role that keeps the tigers caged.
You don't have to razzle dazzle me
No wowing spectrometry
I just want that real view
Of the real you
The lucid you the allusion of you
Join me in my acrobatics
My flight on the trapeze
My aerodynamics.
Flying at such immaculate heights
A dare-devil on the wings of a cannon shot.
One man wonder
Strong man underneath.
The bearded lady sighs
As Glitz and Glitter pass her by.
The herpes of the performing world
The dynamic duo turns and spins. Doing tricks.
I wave to the chimps and bow to the elephants
Cotton candy laughs with a soft but sticky rasp.
Take me to that land of a thousand wishes.
I wanna go there.
Take me there.
Where you'll take off the false pretenses
and let me see you
Not through camera lenses
Or kaleidoscopes, too.
But multiples of the real you.
Laying in the grass soaking up the sun
On the bank of a river admiring the view
Sunset clues
And sunrise dreams.
Ashes smoulder but the phoenix flew.
And all that is left is me and you.